Password profiling

Having a good wordlist is critical to carrying out a successful password attack.

Default passwords

Before performing password attacks, it is worth trying a couple of default passwords against the targeted service. Manufacturers set default passwords with products and equipment such as switches, firewalls, routers. There are scenarios where customers did not change the default password, making the system vulnerable. It is good practice to try out admin:admin, admin:password123, … If we know the target device, service or software, we can look up the default passwords (if any) and try those.

Some websites that provide default passwords for some products:

Weak Passwords

Professionals collect and generate weak password lists over time and often combine them into one large wordlist. Lists are generated based on their experience and what they see in pentesting engagements. These lists may also contain leaked passwords that have been published publically.

Some of those public common weak passwords lists:

  • Skull security passwords - This includes the most well-known collections of passwords.

  • SecLists - A huge collection of all kinds of lists, not only for password cracking.

Leaked Passwords

Sensitive data such as passwords or hashes may be publicly disclosed or sold as a result of a breach. These public or privately available leaks are often referred to as ‘dumps’. Depending on the contents of the dump, an attacker may need to extract the passwords out of the data. In some cases, the dump may only contain hashes of the passwords and require cracking in order to gain the plain-text passwords.

These are some common password lists that have weak and leaked passwords, including webhost, elitehacker, hak5, Hotmail, PhpBB companies’ leaks:

Combined wordlists

Combine these wordlists into one large file with cat:

cat file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt > combined_list.txt

To clean up the generated combined list to remove duplicated words:

sort combined_list.txt | uniq -u > cleaned_combined_list.txt

Customized wordlists

Customizing password lists is one of the best ways to increase the chances of finding valid credentials. We can create custom password lists from the target website. Often, a website contains valuable information about the organisation and its people, including emails and names. The website may contain keywords specific to what the organisation does or offers, including product and service names, which may be used in a password.

Tools such as cewl can crawl a website and extract strings or keywords:

cewl -w list.txt -d 5 -m 5

-w will write the contents to a file (list.txt).
-m 5 gathers strings (words) that are 5 characters or more
-d 5 is the depth level of web crawling/spidering (default 2)

The result is a decently sized wordlist based on relevant words for the specific organisation, like names, locations, and a lot of their lingo. The created wordlist can be used to fuzz for usernames.

Username wordlists

With peoples’ names gathered during enumeration, we can generate username lists from the target’s website. For example, with a {first name} {last name} and a method of generating usernames:

{first name}: john
{last name}: smith
{first name}{last name}:  johnsmith 
{last name}{first name}:  smithjohn  
first letter of the {first name}{last name}: jsmith 
first letter of the {last name}{first name}: sjohn  
first letter of the {first name}.{last name}: j.smith 
first letter of the {first name}-{last name}: j-smith 

There is a tool username_generator that creates a list with most of the possible combinations if we have a first name and last name.

git clone
cd username_generator
python3 -h 
usage: [-h] -w wordlist [-u]

Python script to generate user lists for bruteforcing!

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -w wordlist, --wordlist wordlist
                        Specify path to the wordlist
  -u, --uppercase       Also produce uppercase permutations. Disabled by default


echo "John Smith" > users.lst
python3 -w users.lst
usage: [-h] -w wordlist [-u]
